
Highschool of the dead rating
Highschool of the dead rating

highschool of the dead rating

High School of the Dead is manic action storytelling done with some skill. Well, this doesn't pretend to be Hemingway-level literary, trust me. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry."-Hemingway It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. "The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. The arc of the first volume is unsurprising, moving from Act 1, Spring of the Dead, to Act 2, Escape from the Dead, to Democracy of the Dead (i.e., the plague kills everyone equally, the rich and the poor, the beautiful and the plain, and so on). This one features a school and then town that is suddenly mostly zombies.

highschool of the dead rating

"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the bro I read this because it fits in a category I am following, school-based horror manga. I read this because it fits in a category I am following, school-based horror manga.

Highschool of the dead rating